Settings for the current Replay Session can be changed by clicking the cog icon in the Replay Controller window.
The Configure Instant Replay window will appear with the following menu options:
See Getting Started
Pre Roll / Post Roll: Number of seconds to add to the start (pre) or end (post) of each event automatically.
Enable Double Click to Play Event: Double clicking an event will start playing it directly to Output when this is enabled.
Automatically Sort New Events By Time: When unticked, the events will appear in the list in the order they were created, regardless of the timecode.
Continue playback after Events have completed: When unticked, disable pausing of playback when all pending events have completed.
Play Events button automatically transitions to Output: When unticked, the Play Events button will default to playing out to the Replay input only, and won't automatically transition the Replay input to the main vMix output.
ID Digits: Number of digits to use as the unique id for reach replay event. Defaults to 4 (0000, 0001 etc)
Event Names: Give unique names to each of the Event bins.
Select the music file (in WAV or MP3 format) to play during event playback when the Music button is toggled on in the User Interface.
(See User Interface Overview)
Allows editing and importing the tags that appear in the dropdown list when right clicking the tags section of the Replay Events List
Show live sources in Replay A and B when in Live mode
Unticked by default. When ticked the A/B channel previews on both the input and in the MultiView will display the live camera feeds currently assigned to those channels when in Live mode.
These previews will automatically switch to the recorded footage when not in live mode or when playing back events.
Show preview of all camera angles when not in Live mode
When ticked, will show a preview of all camera angles in the MultiView instead of just those currently assigned to A and B.
Note: These previews are generated using a lower quality preview of each of the camera recordings, and while more efficient then decoding all camera angles at full resolution, still requires
a faster CPU than standard A + B only playback.
Play audio when speed is below 100%
Will play a time stretched version of the audio when events are played back in slow motion.